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Day 6 Update

Hello Sailplane race fans,
This morning dawned at Mifflin with cool clear skies and no wind. The day started out as usual with the 9:30 pilots meeting and a task meeting soon followed. Being a Sunday at Mifflin, the locals tend to go to church and come out to see what the gliders are doing. Our local food service agent, the always affable and reliable, Harry Leach had a run on his trailer that is a welcome sight. I have been participating in the Mifflin Contest since the 1996 15 Meter Nationals and Harry has been here for every one of them. He is trusted and loved by all. Today he had such a run on the trailer by the locals that he ran out of pie. By the time the launch was over, this trusty tug pilot barely had time for a burger as Harry left early to make more pies. Enough of that, let’s talk flying.
As I mentioned yesterday, today was predicted to be higher temps, higher cue and no ridge flying. We launched the first sniffer at 12:15 and he soon reported 3 knots through 3500 and the rest of the fleet soon went up as well. The task was another 3 turn TAT with Mc Connelsburg, Bedford and Mid State as the turns all with 10 mile circles. After the launch several of us hung out in the Milner paddock and took in the day. The sky looked terrific and the cue looked solid…….liars they all were. For as nice as the day looked, speeds were slower and the groaning pilots multiplied by a factor of 3. One pilot could not wait to complain and keyed his mic on downwind to landing and said, “well that was fun….NOT”. The only thing I have to say to that is, would you rather be sitting in the camper watching rain out the window? I am sure we all know the answer to that. The winner today was KS at a handicapped speed of 51. Close behind was Noah and the “quack hawk” at 49 and Noah now sits on top of the overall score sheet but by a mere 15 points. I would love to hear his safety talk in the morning as he missed today as he was to go to a wedding. The groom who is also a glider pilot, called Noah and kicked him out and said, get flying. We asked when he landed if this was better than a wedding, to which he answered, oh yea! I would agree.
Tomorrow looks to be again, warmer and cue filled skies. Here is hoping they top out at 9000 in 5 knots lift.

Brian Glick, CTP


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