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There is No Tomorrow

The last day of the 15 Meter, Open Class Nationals is upon us.  The last pilots meeting was held and trailers were being prepared for this evening’s return ships to the box.  In our first report I covered some of the back story on how a contest is put together and also the people involved.  However, there are more people who help out in the ways you wouldn’t imagine.  Virginia Adams made a really nice video that covered the operations during the contest.  It was a first class production that I hope made it on the social media platforms.

During the pilots meeting we were able to show our appreciation to the weatherman, Richard Kellerman, and Tom Pressely, the Scorer.  Thanks guys, for the outstanding work!  Richard is responsible for the title of this article.  That is how he signed off his outlook for tomorrow’s weather.   


When we started the contest, we were short staffed and in a pickle.  Many people stepped up to help.  Ken Sorenson did oxygen and weighing, Kathy Lee, Virginia Adams, Evelyn Tovar, Laura Lubon and Cory Hipp helped out on the line all the time.  The Click and Clack Team (Jeanette and Melissa) said that Cory would fix anything on the line. 


Our task advisors did a great job, flying us on 9 out of 10 days, on tasks that were both challenging and fun.  It was an appropriate test for a National Champion.  Thank you, Rick Indrebo, Jae Walker, Ken Sorenson and Steve Leonard for a superb job.


The support we received from Denise Layton and the SSA staff was perfect.  Denise helped on the line several times and brntest ought her granddaughter to do line duties.  The SSA staff also served and prepared the food for every dinner.  Alexia Owens was out launch director and had the final word when it came to releasing the ships for takeoff.  Thank you, ladies, for keeping us safe, happy and feed.


Now the contest could not be done without the help of the tow pilots.  Thanks Scott Smith (Chief Tow Pilot), Manolo Guzman, Sam Snow and Otis Johnson.  Thank you, gentlemen.


Well, we are on the grid with task entered and ready to go.  So we are getting in the ship and going flying.  Take care, see you soon.



Rich Owen
Team 98 Backseater




2022 Open Class and 15-Meter Class Nationals