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Monday No Contest Day

Early Monday morning it was obvious that we would be lucky to get in a contest day. The strong low in Pennsylvania was moving into the area and rain was expected by mid-late afternoon. CD Jacquie Doherty and advisors John Seymour and Hank Nixon set a minimal task and we gridded up. There were occasional breaks of sun, but by noon the sky was overcast in all quadrants. The Harris Hill tug is flown up every morning and tow pilot Jacob Barnes Jr reported laboratory conditions the whole way. The CD mercifully pulled the plug on the day at 1230.

Conditions supported very local flying (as in over the town of Dansville). Several people took tows and were able to stay up for 30-60mins. Others worked on small glider projects.

We ended the day with a taco dinner in the hangar. The rain held off and we enjoyed another pleasantly cool evening.



2021 Region 3 Contest