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Practice Day Report

We are back in Dansville NY for this year’s Region 3 contest. Normally the Finger Lakes and Harris Hill clubs rotate R3 hosting duties, but with the IVSM on the Hill last month, FLSC graciously agreed to host R3 for a second year in a row.

A weak cold front came through the area Friday night and a second, dry front around noon today. What a welcome relief after two weeks of heat and humidity!

The weather was forecast to be soarable but not spectacular, so a small 2hr tour-the-local-area TAT task was set: Avoca-SwainSki-Dansville-LoonLake. Conditions were slightly better than forecast with 6000ft cloudbase, 4kts lift, and cloud streets running down the valley. Pretty much everyone came in under time.

FLSC provided a welcome appetizer event post-flying. We are ready to race!



2021 Region 3 Contest