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Contest Day 3 - Thursday April 22

Contest Day 3 Weather: Today's wx. is first day post frontal. It will be blue with thermal tops reaching approx. 5000 ft. later in the afternoon. Winds will be northwesterly 10-15 knots. posted by Leigh #R5N #nothingcouldbefiner


Day 3 – Thursday
After a windy and gusty non-contest Wednesday, we awoke Thursday to cold, cold, cold. The passing dry front brought us 34 degree overnight temperatures but also the promise of good soaring. The forecast was for a high of 67 with lift in the 3 – 4.5 kt range and thermals to 6000. The task for Open , 18-meter and FAI was an assigned task of House Movers, Colemans, Bamburg, Allendale, Barwell and Edgefield but by task open time the task was reduced to task bravo by removing the Allendale turnpoint. In Sports Class the task was a 3:00 hr. TAT with turnpoints House Movers (5mi) Bamburg (5mi), Allendale (10mi), Barnwell (1mi) and Edgefield (15mi). Speeds were good with the sports class turning in a maximum actual speed of 58.28 mph from team Murphy and May flying a Duo Discus. The winner for Sports Class was Jason Arnold in a Discus CS with a 55.08 actual Speed. The maximum speed for the other classes was 73.13 mph turned in by Fernando Silva in 18-meter, 70.86 mph for Team Arnold Striedick in Open and 67.60 mph actual by Evan Ludeman in FAI. The weather continues to look good for tomorrow, but Saturday will likely be a wash-out.

Jim Cole


Region 5 North 2021