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Sinko de Mayo

Today was a long day for some, a short day for others, and it was an overall fun day.  Alas, even though everyone did get to fly, it will be a no contest day.  Valiant efforts were made by all, and Sarah, Ryszard, Tom, and Daniel “Shazam” Sazhin made it around the task today. One more person had to make it around in order to make it an official contest day.  Sadly, this was not to be.  Everyone else landed out, or back at Chilhowee.  

 The ridge was working well, and for the pilots who understand that sort of thing, and exactly how to fly it, it worked out well.  From personal experience, and via the inevitable sitting around with cold beverage after the flight, I do know that sustaining soaring flight in the valley was impossible.  The beauty of contesting is that you always learn something new and I am curious to examine the flight logs to see “how it was done”.  

 Tonight a wonderful Cinco De Mayo celebration was put on by our hosts.  Although the weather was cool, great fun was had by all.  Beer and margaritas were provided and of course, “The weather looks better tomorrow!”  Yours truly had a nice airport landing, and after trailering the glider, helped retrieve XP, Sylvia Grandstaff out of a shoe sucking muddy field.  This is soaring, folks, and all of this is part of it.  The great friends, great stories, and shared memories are always worth it.  I truly love this sport.

 -Triple Alpha  



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