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WX-Walt Rogers weather assessment Day 3

DAY 3 Mon 6-16-21 - Wx assessment by Walt Rogers

WX Discus 2a was number one to launch 2500ft above Craggy Start (ended up being a 22km start circle today). No problem staying up ...first 6500msl (airport at 2650msl)… then worked my way toward SW near Gunnsight not much higher. The get-away thermal near Gunsight was to 8800msl… then for a final start to 9400msl. Turnpoints for an AT (assigned task 500meter radius): China Start (to South), Craggy South 8050msl peak, Quartz Valley (N end Scott Valley), Duzel (hot spot always almost good) and final TP R-Ranch. It seemed like a survival day on this short ~175km task. The key strategy on this blue soft day was which was to go from the 2nd TP, Craggy South. Most pilots didn’t have the altitude to make the TP and fewer knew that with the amended FAI rules for the U.S. you could take a 50point penalty for getting with 1sm instead of the required 500meter radius. I was able to climb and make the TP...leaving at 7900msl. Which way should I proceed: 1) due west to the Marbles and fly down the range high 2) backtrack to Duzel 3) split the different and take a more direct route. The best choice was 1). My reasoning was that the shaded Marble Mtns might not be a good choice and Duzel was too far off course. Standard pilots Thomas Greenhill and Zach winning the day. 20Meter ships flew down to Duzel and got high tip toeing to the 3rd TP and easily making Duzel plus completing the task. Still, there were quite a few landouts at Scott Valley airport (including myself – aero retrieve) and others… like Gary Ittner. Great tactical and challenging day. The young whipper-snappers seem to do best. It’s a new racing era for our future top racing pilots



20-Meter and Standard Class Nationals