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DAY 7 Post task opening

Post Launch Day 7

Wrong again!  The day started without us.  I took pity on the folks so called a 12:30 stage and 12:45 grid at which time I launched the sniffer.  The air was still. The sky filled with cummulus fakus.  It is hot and almost muggy.  I was expecting the sniffer to be in for a grinder but he reported 8 knots in the first thermal at Craggy.   Oh Shoot!  I called a 10 minute warning and launched the first standard glider at 13:06.  The Launch went off with no hitches.  Great line crew and tow staff.  

Standard advisors reported doing well and optimistic about Task A. Task A it is and I opened the gate at 13:45.    By the time I polled my 20m task advisors the mood shifted. There is concern over thick mid layer clouds and possible cirrus moving in.  I concurred and switched the task to B and 2.5 hours.

All we can do not is watch the tracker and see how they do. 

Stay tuned.

Rex CD


20-Meter and Standard Class Nationals