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Day 6 Post Pilot Meeting Brief

Well today is going to be a bit warmer and the winds are light and friendly from the south west. This is the day for Task A from yesterday. We will hope for an early launch and task opening to allow for a 3 hour task Today I moved the lawn dart target to Scott Valley.   The call is an AST taking the classes down the Marble Mountains and then East on a long leg to Dry Lake then back to Duzel Rock and R-ranch to finish.

I expect speeds up around 125 KPH or better.  We have seen fast flying here at Montague but 80MPH here is considered pretty fast.   It is rare that one can get up high and fly fast all day without running into a wrinkle or 2 to slow them down.

 If the day starts later we will drop to Task B which is a AAT with the same turnpoints except we drop Dry Lake and use Medicine Lake with bigger circles and 2:30 TOC.

Stay tuned,

Rex CD


20-Meter and Standard Class Nationals