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Practice Day 2 - Pilot Meeting

Practice Day 2 - June 13, 2021

The morning started with most pilots finishing up the registration process and getting equipment situated for competition.  

10am pilots meeting reviewed contest proceedures and grid sheets passed out now that contestant data stabilized.   We will grid today to "Practice".

Todays forecast presenting thermals 8K-10K feet with winds 20-30 kts out of the SSW with a low BS in the task area. 


Start #29 Gunsite 10km radius

1.   #10 Callahan 20km radius

2. #19 Deer Mtn  10km radius

3. #15 Copco Dam 15km radius

4. #48 R Ranch 5km radius

Finish #51 KSIY with 3km radius


20-Meter and Standard Class Nationals