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And it's official - We are off

Today is the first official practice day at Nephi.  We have had some crazy pilots who enthusiastically showed up a full week early to fly and enjoy the area.  We are now getting serious with almost all of the competition pilots here and getting ready for some serious racing. 

Today the weather was under reported.  Pilots claimed there were 50 knot thermals to mars and some said they fell asleep on course because it was too easy.  Haha.  The day was under-called because of being the first practice day so we saw speeds in excess of 90 mph with pilots flying out the back of the turn point cylinders.  Good stuff.  Yes we will toughen up the tasks when it is time to get serious.

I really hope to stay up on these reports and can't wait to fly with some of the best pilots in the nation.  Thanks!  Bruno - B4


2021 18-Meter Nationals at Nephi