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Saturday AM Wx.

from the CD "looks much better NWS forecst discussion mentioned returning to "our normal summerlike pattern". prog chart no longer shows a front nearby.  Pedestrian forecasts 20% rain, 25-40% clouds, south winds 10-all pretty normal.  Soundings, TAF's soaring corecasts, temp-DP spread all show 4000ish cu. HRRR projection shows isolated storms S near GHSA at 1:00 and W near Brenham at 4:00 and near Navasota at 6:00.  I dont put mch faith in the precise locations or times, but expect there may be some isolated storms in the general area. SS shows some N-S convergence lines.  Hopefully the forecast info will come closer to reality today.  Everything shows 3000is cu by noon, so expect a 12:00 launch and 3:00 task (subject to input from  my outstanding task advisors, of course!)"


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