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Contest Day 3 Thursday 9/19/2019

There was going to be cloud cover early and the key to a good day was when the cloud cover would break so we could start getting some heating.   A report from sniffer KS reported 3 knots through 4500 so the launce was started at 12:45 with the expectation that a clearing sky was on its way.   The TAT called was Maggie, Covington, Catawba Valley Airport, Eagle Rock with cylinders of 10, 15, 10 and 15 miles.  The scores favored the later starts and by 3:00 we had a beautiful sky with lots of Cu. John Seymore (SM) won the day in the 18 meter and put him in first place although he only leads Hank Nixon by 27 points.  Evan Ludeman won the 15/Std combined and now has a nice hold on second place overall.   After the annual Craig Creek Yacht Club Commodores Reception we had a very nice Mexican Taco bar catered by Chipotle.  Later that night, by the fire, we turned out all the lights to observe the International Space Station going overhead.   It was pretty impressive.   The weather is looking good for the balance of the week.


2019 Region 4 South