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Contest Day 2 Tuesday 9/17/2019

After a top 10 soaring day Monday the weather for Tuesday looked decidedly different.   A cold front was moving onto the area and would be here later in the afternoon.  With clouds at 5000 ft msl and winds out of the east the day was expected to be weak.   A TAT was called with Maggie, Oriskany, Wits End, and Eagle Rock as turnpoints with 10, 6, 10, and 15 mile radii.   This was intended to keep the task area within the Craig Creek and Johns Creek valleys and give us the best chance of getting another contest day.  The day turned out to be as forecast and although challenging, the task was completed by all.   Al Tyler (8H) won the day in the 18 meter Class with a speed of 60.65 mph and a distance of 121.26 miles.  In the combined 15/Std it was no surprise with Karl Striedieck (KS) winning the day.  His raw speed was very close to Tylers at 59.94 mph (52.63 handicapped) and a distance of 127.07 miles (111.57 handicapped).  After the flying everyone enjoyed barbecue chicken prepared by BRSS’s own John Molumphy and Lorie Smith.


2019 Region 4 South