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Day 6, Contest Day 5.Last day

10:00 Daily Safety Meet. Today is cirrus day, unfortunately. The total sky is coverd with various thickness of cirrus. But we will try to launch a task anyway.

Grid time is 11:30 with 2.5 hr MAT.

14:00: We held off from 11:30 until 13:20 until the first two ships in line were launched as quasi-sniffers. They did not really have very good reports for real start decision-making. So EH voluntered to also sniff and he was launched at about 13:30 (A  Canadian registerd ship with call-sign EH. An't that cool, eehh!). But even that did not help. the conditions improved for some local fun-flying, but not for last-day of a week-long contest. So at 14:00, with heavy heart, the task was cancelled. All went off to get ready for the vening banquet in the Training Center. And what a job our Becky did. MMM mmm good.


to be continued


2019 Region 8 Contest