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Day 5, Contest day 4

I am late today, but we really are having a contest day. 

At first is looked like it was going to be nice soaring day. But as the launch progressed, we got more and more cloud cover. So now, from here, it looks like a scratchy day.

Task for the day is: MA, Min time 3 hrs, with these turmpoints:

  • 02 West Start, 5mi
  • 36 Niles, 15 mi
  • 54 Wenatchee, 10 mi
  • 22 Grand Coulee, 15 mi
  • 02 Finish, 2mi

Launch started promptly at 12:03 and completed at 13:15.

20:00 I think we had 4 landouts, in a real scatchy day. 

I know a guy who had his hat blown off while getting out of the cockpit after a very windy landing on Rnwy 29. Much  later he noticed that his left hearing aid was missing. Went to look for it that evening with no result. After today's launch he went with his friend, Lonnie, to look for it again. About ready to give up with no results, he walked back toward his car which was parked way downwind of his prior day landing. What did he see in the middle of the landing surface? A hearing aid, but with an open, empty battery compartment. But lo and behold, some 15" upwind there was a lonely battery. Battery got put into hearing aid, hearing aid got inserted into the left ear, I saved $3000 or so, and I can hear again.  

Stay tuned, now tha I can hear again, outlanding storries will come tomorrow.


2019 Region 8 Contest