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Day 1 - Sunday

A classic day for cumulus clouds awaited the 20 Meter Multi-Seat racers by mid-morning, even though the weather models presented a wide range of opportunity.  The sky immediately west of the airport was grey with some rain, but we expected all of that to slide to the southeast, giving us a chance to race around a task.  The CD and tasking committee prepped a two point MAT for three hours, cumulus clouds began to populate the sky to the north and east, the sniffer found lift to 3k agl early enough, and so the fleet started on a fast and far adventure.  Pilots found some overdevelopment north and variable lift throughout the task, but everyone returned with a long list of turn points.  They had a great day with team Arnold and Striedeck flying KS in first place and Ron Ridenour flying CGC ins second place with close supervision by his back seat pilot, Don K.

  lmz - CM


2019 20 Meter Multi-Seat Nationals