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First Two Days

Yesterday we had strong south winds and a good soaring forecast. After launch we found strong south and highly variable soaring conditions. With some observation and some expectations that things would improve, we set out on task into the wind. The run to Kingman was OK for most but beyond that the cu dried out and things got really tough!

I think 7 gliders landed at the Kingman airport. 5 or 6 Landed out. All safely in flat dry Kansas fields.


Today we once again had a decent forecast with a good morning towplane sounding to back it up. Winds were light from the NW which would bring cool air aloft. However some high cirrus killed the lift at Sunflower. Sniffer found a climb so we launched the first four who found nothing. A little later Phil and I launched to see if there was anything. It was still overcast here but sunny to the southeast so I headed there. There were some bubbles but it was about 10 miles downwind of the airport and I was too low to work anything by the time I got there, so I landed in a nice field. About 10 fellow pilots and crews came to get me.

More tomorrow!


2019 Club Class Nationals