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Nice contest video that we hope we can share

This is "kind of a test".  Ben Mayes compiled this neat video for R5N.  We know some folks don't wish to engage in FaceBook.  We post a lot of pix on FB because of it's ease of us.  Someone suggested we link on our SSA contest site and if you wish to see the link, we hope that you can see it without having to join FB.  The suggestor thinks FB will ask you to join, but you have the option to say "later" and then see the post.  May it will work, maybe not.  As I said, this is a test.  Leigh Zimmerman

Update on 4/30:  Hank Nixon and I both used computers that had NO ties to a FB account, clicked on the link above and were able to view the video.  There was a button to open a FB account, but there was no problem to see the video itself.  Contest days are busy times and it's hard for a volunteer to cover everything, hence the frequent use of social media sites. They are soooooo user friendly.  Leigh