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Day 3 - Thursday

We knew that the day would be unpredictable because of weak low pressure in the area, but we expected some sunshine on the ground, allowing us to soar and race.  Cumulus clouds didn’t greet us after the pilots meeting, but instead a high layer of “gunky clouds” dominated the skies to our west and northwest.  We thought that it was moving fast enough to pass the task area but with a late start, however hope yielded to some concern when this mass of clouds came over the airport and appeared to stall, well at least to us pilots.  After a short while, the CD launched the sniffer in his mighty G29 to test the sky under the overcast.  He stuck to this gray sky.  So the launch began after the 20Meter class with exceptional efforts by all despite slow and modest climbs, and short glides.  Mike Shakman won the day with Rick Hoffmann in second place.


2019 Region 7 Contest