SSA Instructors and the ABC Badge Training Program
The SSA ABC Training Program was developed as a standard of training for the SSA membership. It is designed to provide a basic approach to flying for the student glider pilot as well as to give the accomplished power pilot the necessary skills unique to the sport of soaring to assure a safe transition to gliders.
The program is administered by designated SSA Instructors who must have a minimum of 50 hours and 100 flights of glider experience, a current Flight Instructor Certificate with a Glider Rating, and have earned at least a Bronze Badge. The SSA Instructor is responsible for ascertaining that the training requirements have been accomplished. The SSA Badge Record Form can be used as a checklist to assure that all required training has been accomplished. Following the completion of all specific award requirements, the SSA Instructor awards the appropriate pin and blue card to the pilot. Each badge award is designed to develop the skills and experience necessary for promoting soaring safety and future FAI Badge Flights.
The names of pilots who are awarded any level of badge in this program are recorded in the SSA permanent file. These individuals are also recognized in the Badge and Records section of SOARING Magazine. The SSA Instructor is the only individual authorized to award these badges.
Flight Instructors desiring to participate in the ABC & Bronze Badge Training Program may obtain an application form from the SSA at, email or call (575) 392-1177. Each newly appointed SSA Instructor will receive a supply of badge award application forms, award and cards and pins, and a copy of the SSAI Handbook. Additional Materials are supplied on request. There is no money involved in this program.
SSA Instructor Requirements
- Current Certificated Flight Instructor – Glider
- Current SSA Member
- 50 Hours & 100 Flights Minimum Glider Experience
- Have Earned at Least a Bronze Badge
For the SSA Instructors Application click here.