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Bad Start, Good Finish

As you can see from the scoresheet, John Cochrane had himself a day yesterday!  It didn’t begin well, though.  He began the day changing his flat main tire out on the ramp with the help of Brian Neff.  He ended the day with a First Place finish and took the lead for the Stroukoff Speed Trophy!  John’s speed was 104.24 mph, Keith Essex and Jim Lee tied for Second Place.  Keith Baugh and Thomas Greenhill were right behind them.  

I don’t know if Keith Essex is “comfortable” with his 127 point overall lead going into the last day.  I just tried calling him to ask, but:  “The wireless customer you are calling is not available.”  I hope he’s not changing a flat.  The weather today could produce our fastest contest day, yet.  There will be overdevelopment and significant afternoon thunderstorms over The Sierra.  I can see a task that could go as far south as Mt. Whitney and as far east as Tonapah.  We’ll see what Dan Gudgel forecasts and what John Good decides! 




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