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Day Four

Clear and cool in Minden again this morning.  The Reno Soaring Forecast predicts excellent conditions in the area with slightly lower thermal height and strength than yesterday.  ONLY 16,000’ and 1,000 fpm.  A pilot can get spoiled out here very quickly!  Skysight and the HRRR both predict high clouds over the task area today and what looks like an earlier end to the soaring day.  Another possible fly in the weather ointment is the likelihood of afternoon overdevelopment and thunderstorms over the Southern Sierra and the White Mountains.   

Yesterday’s results:  Thomas Greenhill in Third (97.54 mph), Bruno Gantenbrink Second Place (97.70 mph) and Keith Essex finished first at 103.05.  After four racing days the top three pilots are within 200 points overall.  Two pilots landed out yesterday with no damage and everyone is fine. 

More after the 10 am pilot’s meeting… 




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