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Susie's BBQ and Miss Turnpoint

The gauge on my bus says it’s 47 degrees outside, it’s perfectly calm and the Minden-Tahoe airport is waking up.  The coffee’s hot and the NWS Reno Soaring Forecast says we can expect even stronger lift than we enjoyed yesterday.  I saw 11 knots twice.

Last night the Sports Aviation Foundation hosted a wonderful evening in the P7 Hangar!  The SAF is a group of aviators here in Minden who are dedicated to preserving and promoting all the different kinds of flying activities that we all love.  Think gliders, tundra tires and everything experimental!  The SAF put on a really, really good bbq rib dinner brought all the way from Fallon, NV by Norman, the owner of Susie’s BBQ.  Next time I trek out to Ely, I’ll be visiting Susie’s BBQ.  On the way out AND the way back! Dinner  was perfectly complimented by the craft beers produced by Gary Ittner's P7 Brewery.  Miss Turnpoint is my fave.  

Yesterday’s winners were announced.  Thomas Greenhill won Day 3 with a speed of 103.37 mph which is the fastest daily performance in this contest…so far.  Jim Lee earned Second Place with 102.62.  John Cochrane Third at 100.66 mph.  Keith Essex was the fourth pilot yesterday with a speed over 100 mph.   

Then the SAF treated us to a great presentation by Gordon Boettger describing his epic wave flight of June 19, 2023.  Gordo flies an Arcus, previously owned by Dennis Tito, specifically set up for long distance, high altitude, long endurance flying, with four oxygen systems and night vision goggles.  Along with co-pilot Bruce Campbell, Gordo launched at about 2 am, contacted the Sierra Wave and settled in.  After over 17 hours they had flown 3,055 kilometers.  Gordon and Bruce presented their flight accompanied by photos and video set to music.  

Minden-Tahoe Airport Manager, Heather MacDonnell and her husband Jeff (Head of Fleet Maintenance for Douglas County) were honored invitees for the evening. Heather acknowledged the SAF for their constructive efforts and being easy to work with at the airport.  We feel the same about Heather and Jeff!

Now we wait to see what challenge Dan Gudgel, John Good and the task advisors will create for us today.




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