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A Tough Day In Nevada

Good Morning Race Fans!  Yesterday was a tough day in Nevada.  The soaring conditions were as forecast and we all went out and did our best with what we had.  It was pretty much a blue day, but there were some cumulus and a few wisps in the area of the start line, which helped.  Solid initial climbs ensued and John Good opened the gate at 1442.  We went north, then south and north again with a great deal of attention paid to terrain and ground features.  Most wisps worked.  I saw my first three soaring birds since arriving here on May 26.  Two birds were climbing and one was flapping.  On the second leg, down to a 30 mile ring around the Bodi turn point is where many of us got low and slow.  The lift at Desert Peak was squirrelly and almost unworkable.  Many of us were never high enough to get up on top of Mt. Patterson.  So, we ground around in what we could find, causing the speeds achieved over the course to go lower and lower.  Well, not for everyone, though.  Minden Wizard Keith Essex made it look easy and took First Place with a speed of 90 mph.  John Cochrane came Second at 87.31 and Jim Lee Third at 83.70.  Brilliant flying IMHO.


Skysight and the HRRR are both promising strong, high and fast soaring conditions today.  Lots of cu and a high probability of overdevelopment on The Sierra from 1500 on.  Weatherman Dan Gudgel will provide deeper insight at the 10 am pilot’s meeting.  


That’s it for now.





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