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Contest Day 7 (final day) wx. tasks and tracks

#2024hobbs15m18mclubnats Final Day! Could the race get any hotter??? From our weatherman Richard Kellerman "Looks like the final day of the contest should be a good one with climbs as high as 15,000 ft capped by Cu. There is a slight chance of rain and a near certainty of Ci. Neither however look like they will trouble us. Boundary layer winds are SW about 10 kts. Expect average climb rate of ~5 kts. Western half of the contest area, stronger as usual. QV"
Area tasks for all three classes, 3 hours for 15 and 18M, 2.5 for Club. Grid time 11:30 anticipated 1st launch 12:00 and order of launch: 15M, 18M, Club.
Glidertracker sites from Matt Sorenson(click that eyeball)
WeGlide links with leaderboard tracking (thx. John Godfrey):
Thanks to those who added additional OGN tracking sites during this contest.
I'll put the tasks in the gallery
Posted by Leigh


2024 15-Meter, 18-Meter and Club Class Nationals