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Day 4 (6/24) Wx. Tasks and Tracks

#2024hobbs15m18mclubnats Contest Day 4 is upon us, today with Area Tasks: 3 hrs. for the Club Class and 3.5 Hrs. for 15M and 18M(Same tasks with different start cylinders) The weather from our @Richard Kellerman-"Should have kept a copy of yesterday’s foreecast. Hotter, drier, bluer. Expect 3 - 5 kt climbs in the blue to 10,000 - 12,000 ft msl and uniform conditions over the task area with somewhat stronger conditions West of Roswell. Winds SSW less than 10 kts. The Carlsbad TAF has FEW100 so it’s possible that Cu will form far enough West. Should be able to sustain the launch by noon. QV June 24"
Glidertracker tasks loaded by Matt Sorenson
OGN links for live task tracking (hit the eyeball in the top right corner to make the task cylinders the correct size):
Grid time 11:30 1st possible launch 12:00 noon
Order of grid: 15M, 18M, Club
I'll load copies of task sheets to the gallery
Posted by Leigh


2024 15-Meter, 18-Meter and Club Class Nationals