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Contest Day 3 wx. tasks, and tracking

#2024hobbs15m18mclubnats Contest Day 3 weather from @Richard Kellerman, "As promised, today will be hotter and drier. It will also be bluer so prepare for a battle in the blue. SkySight does bring in Cu NW of Caprock, supported by the Roswell TAF with SCT120. HRRR is true blue. Conditions are stronger to the West but serviceable to the East. Max heights about 12,000 ft West, 10,000 ft East. Winds SE ~10 kt. QV" and into the blue all classes have an assigned task, same turnpoints, with Clubbies launching first, 15M second, and finally 18M. (Club and 18M have same start cylinder) Grid 11:30 and anticipated 1st launch noon. UPDATE.  PRIOR TO LAUNCHES CHANGING TO TASK B ALL CLASSES.  I"LL ADD NEW TASK SHEETS TO GALLERY.
Glider tracker tasks from Matt Sorenson
OGN links for live task tracking (hit the eyeball in the top right corner to make the task cylinders the correct size):


2024 15-Meter, 18-Meter and Club Class Nationals