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Contest Day 2 Wx. tasks and tracking

#2024hobbs15m18mclubnats Behold Contest day 2. From our weatherman, "We are in a warming and drying trend and today looks very much like yesterday but with a boundary layer about 12,000 ft, 2,000 ft higher than yesterday. The drier air should push cloudbase higher too so if cu form expect ~12,000 ft. Conditions are again fairly uniform with average climbs about 5 kt. Winds are south about 10 kts. Biggest uncertainty is clouds: I’m more optimistic than SkySight, in line with TAFs’ which have SCT060 - SCT080. They also have BKN250 which would be a problem. Soundings and temperatures suggest it will not be. QV"
Area tasks for all classes and note there is a 4th task sheet (task B) if needed for 18M
Grid time: 11:30 local first launch possible 12:00 18M in the front
Tracking for Glidertracking: you can bookmark the sites and they url is the same each day:
OGN links for live task tracking (hit the eyeball in the top right corner to make the task cylinders the correct size):


2024 15-Meter, 18-Meter and Club Class Nationals