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Only one person flew Friday and you know who. Pirep from SM…

Ship was on the line and measured peak winds at 18kts on the runway at about 1100 hrs. This within my personal limits and the day looked like a possible ridge record day due to winds. Have seen days like this turn out ok if there is any possibility of drying at the end of the day or if one travels far enough south away from the low pressure area. Launch routine and the first 20 minutes provided 5-7kt thermals to 4500ft at which time showers and rain moved in from the west. Max winds on the ridge were 240/33. Winds in excess of 25kts at 2300ft which is comfortable ridge running for the next 3 hours where moderate rain and showers were the norm.  

High overcast with little or no convection with the winds continuing at 240/25. On a pass north on the ridge smoother than usual air encountered at 2500ft which when carefully worked, netted a slow climb at 2kts. Wave system more obvious passing 4000 and eventually went to about 8500ft where high lenticulars capped the climb. Left the system still slowly climbing but having some trouble maintaining VMC. Winds at altitude 280/25. Landed just before 1700 hrs. Got my 5 hours.


2023 SSA Region 3 Contest