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Thursday - No Contest Day

Today’s forecast called for stiff southerly winds, lots of cu (4-6000ft bases, 3-4kts lift), and blow up ahead of an approaching cold front. But by the Pilots Meeting mid-level scud moved in and shut down the heating, so we were slow to get going. Good thing, as we had to grid at the north end of the field, a rare occurrence and a hassle. The sky finally opened up a bit by 1300, the two sniffers were able to stay up, and the launch began at 1335. Another round of overdevelopment killed the heating and the thermals that were there were choppy so almost all of the Club Class was back on the ground in little over an hour.

The day was canceled at 1450. A handful in each class decided to fun fly. George Hanke [H] and John Seymour [SM] played Last Man Down and, while George is a formidable opponent, you know who won (it is his home field, after all). Rain and thunderstorms are expected overnight and post-frontal westerly winds Friday may be strong.



2023 SSA Region 3 Contest