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Wednesday Wx and Tasks - UPDATED

UPDATE: Club Class task opened at 1430. Sports Class task opened at 1520.


Dansville received light showers on-and-off Tuesday, the heavier rain stayed to the north and south of us. Then right on cue at 6am today came heavy-moderate rain from a wrap-around cell. If you looked at the surface map this morning you would see an occluded front curled around New York State.

The sun poked out during the Pilots Meeting, but the day will be slow to improve and lift will be weak. We are gridding at noon but do not expect tasks to open until 2-3pm if we are lucky. The CD and advisors picked short tasks to keep pilots close to Dansville. I will report back once (hopefully) the tasks open.

Club Class Nationals - 2hr TAT
Nunda – 7mi
Avoca – 12mi
Seven Gullies – 6mi
Swain – 5mi
Min: 35.8mi, Nom: 92.5mi, Max: 156.0mi

Region 3 Sports Class - 1.5hr TAT
Nunda – 4mi
Loon Lake – 5mi
Seven Gullies – 6mi
Swain – 5mi
Min: 32.3mi, Nom: 69.6mi, Max: 109.0mi


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