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Monday - No Contest Day

The forecast for Monday called for light winds, mid-level clouds, and weak lift ahead of an approaching warm front.

In anticipation of a short and weak day, the CD and advisors came up with a conservative task to Alfred-Seven Gullies-Jolamtra and we gave it a go. We gridded at the normal time but delayed sending any sniffers up as the now gray overcast sky held little promise of lift. Five different sniffers were launched within an hour before the clouds opened up enough to allow for some sunshine on the ground and the necessary heating.

The Club Class task finally opened at 1437. Multiple relights in Club and other issues caused a delay of the Sports Class launch, so by the time they were all in the air the weather had worsened. Sports was cancelled at 1535. The Club Class didn’t fare much better as two pilots landed out at Hornell Airport, the rest came back early to Dansville, and not enough made minimum distance for a contest day.

The good news was that everyone was here to enjoy the Taco Dinner. A light rain started shortly afterwards and we expect more rain tonight and Tuesday.



2023 SSA Region 3 Contest