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Welcome to the new Soaring Society of America website.
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To access location tracking device information for a specific SSA member and/or sailplane click here

To proceed to the Sailplane Tracker application you must read and accept the Terms and Conditions listed below.

  1. the user or others to whom the user may provide information is accessing the Sailplane Tracker and the tracking information it provides for informational purposes only,
  2. the information will not be used for any purpose where a failure or inaccuracy could cause injury, death or economic loss,
  3. the information will not be used for any commercial purposes,
  4. the information will not be used for aircraft navigation or operation,
  5. access to the information is provided to users on an as-is, as-available basis with no obligation by SSA or TipTop to maintain it or assure its accuracy, and
  6. that the user agrees to Terms of Use.