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2024 Open Class Nationals - Sunday, June 09, 2024

2024 Open Class Nationals - Sunday, June 09, 2024

Open Class

Contest Day 5


Cumulative Pilot Day (units: Sm, Mph) Penalty
Rank Points ID Name Glider Rank Points Speed Distance Start Time TOC TrnPts Code Points IGC Filename
1 4639 1C Essex, Keith JS1-C-21jet 3 836 100.36 266.26 13:45:24 02:39:11 87,111,104 469V6S01.igc
2 4512 UC Lee, Jim EB 29R 2 839 100.75 311.71 13:43:15 03:05:38 87,111,104 469VAQD1.igc
3 4451 MP Cochrane, John EB 29 6 825 99.00 300.64 13:28:16 03:02:12 87,111,104 469V7SK1.igc
4 4380 9 Greenhill, Thomas AS33ES-18 5 826 99.12 259.26 13:41:00 02:36:56 87,111,104 469VAKJ1.igc
5 4265 AG Baugh, Keith JS1-C-21jet 1 862 103.46 274.63 13:35:01 02:39:16 87,111,104 469VN6E1.igc
6 4214 YY Gantenbrink, Bruno Nimeta X 7 795 95.48 240.63 13:39:31 02:31:13 87,111,104 2024-06-09-CNI-24W-01.IGC
7 4207 TT Taylor, Timothy Vnts 2cxa 18m 8 777 93.34 242.78 13:41:03 02:36:04 87,111,104 469V8111.igc
8 4189 P7 Ittner, Gary ASG-29-18 4 835 100.20 252.68 13:33:03 02:31:18 87,111,104 2024-06-09-CNI-23V-01.IGC
9 4009 2P Payne, Jim Arcus M 9 766 91.91 291.56 13:33:45 03:10:20 87,111,104 469VATN1.igc
10 3960 JL Lubon, John ASG-29-18 10 729 87.48 218.69 13:34:46 02:26:00 87,111,104 MT 2024-06-09-CNI-20T-01.IGC
11 3894 RF Clark, Robin ASG-29-18 12 710 85.28 244.51 13:28:46 02:52:02 87,111,104 2024-06-09-CNI-VBD-01.IGC
12 3824 YO Nadler, Dave Ventus 3M-18 15 598 71.80 219.05 13:40:32 03:03:03 87,111,104 469GA9D1.IGC
13 3788 98 Alexander, Pete AS33ES-18 11 715 85.86 245.33 13:34:12 02:51:26 87,111,104 2024-06-09-CNI-27Z-01.IGC
14 3640 P Bostik, Czech Joe Arcus M 13 691 82.90 207.25 13:36:34 02:29:43 87,111,104 MT 2024-06-09-CNI-0XG-01.IGC
15 3396 DL Linnekin, Dennis ASH-26E 14 631 75.79 198.55 13:36:25 02:37:11 87,111,104 2024-06-09-CNI-V4T-01.IGC
16 2907 GJ Team, Milner&Boundy Arcus M 16 590 70.82 177.06 13:33:34 02:25:40 87,111,104 MT 469V6LP1.igc
17 2705 XP Grandstaff, Sylvia Discus 2aW 17 0 F

FAI Assigned Area Task
Min Distance 139.83
Distance 354.50
Max Distance 573.01
Min Task Time 02:30
Task Open Time 13:18
Pre-Start Altitude (MSL) 11000
Max Start Groundspeed 120.0
Max Start Altitude (MSL) 17500
Min Finish Alt (MSL) 6000
# ID Name Radius
Line 4 004 Start C
- 87 087 LeeVinng 40.0
- 111 111 Nixon DL 40.0
- 104 104 MtPttrsn 30.0
Finish 6 006 Finish 2.0
Code Description
MT Flight time less than minimum time.
F No flight log.
Score Calculation Parameters
D1: min distance for 1000 pts 217.000 Miles
Dm: min distance 87.000 Miles
N: # that launched 16
n1: # who made Dm* 16
% whose distance* > Dm 100.0%
n3: # of finishers 16
Do: best distance* 311.710 Miles (UC)
Vo: best speed* 103.460 Miles/Hr (AG)
To: marking time of best speed* 02:39:16
Pm: max pts before F and Fcr 861.78
F: day factor 0.862
Fcr: completion ratio factor 1.000
Spo: max provisional score 862.000
Spm: median provisional score 771.500
* - after handicap applied if a handicapped class

Scoresheet created on Tuesday June 11, 2024 - 11:20 by Winscore - Rev 4